
Spell Casting

You may cast a different way ,I am just sharing how i cast my circle feel free to do it how you want.

I use chalk,but you my feel that string is better for you. I sit down cross legged and draw a circle around my body,i want to make sure there is room for my work and nothing can get in the way or go wrong.I leave an open space in the side of the circle to keep it open while i prepare for my spell.Next draw a (star,five points)inside the circle ,make sure it touches the circle.

Gather everything for your spell make sure you will not have to leave your circle and break it.I use an altar,and place it where you feel it is good for you,i sit it on my circle as i work,not the entire altar,but enough were i can reach and not break my circle.

Next you'll need a something to represent Earth,a rock or salt,place it north of your pentacle(circle).

Next ,you'll need something to represent East,Air element.You can use an incense,feathers,or a balloon.Place east of your circle.

Next,you'll need something that represents South,Fire element. A candle or maybe a lava rock.Place it to the south of your circle.

Next you'll need something that represents West,Water element.You can you a Chalice ,or a bowl of water,or a sea shell.Place it to the West.

After you have done this and have everything for your spell ,you may close your circle with the chalk or string. Sit inside your circle when your ready to cast a spell and outline your circle with your wand and say.."I Cast this circle to protect me from outside influences ,I charge this circle to bring in only loving and helping virbrations i create a scared space(top or circle around the bottom clock wise).Outline your circle again saying "I cast this circle to bring in postive magick only,all negativity leave my circle now,i create this sacred space."

Next stand in your circle with your wand .Point your wand to the North and say"Oh great and beautiful gods,goddesses,and guardians of the North Power of Earth i call you to attend my circle" Turn and point your wand to the East and say "Oh great and beautiful gods,goddesses,and guardians of the East Power of Air ,I call you to attend my circle." Turn to the South and point your wand and say "Oh great and beautiful gods,goddesses,and guardians of the South Power of Fire i call you to attend my circle." Turn to the West and point your wand and say "oh great and beautiful Gods,goddesses,and guaridans of the West Power of Water i call you to attend my circle.

To close your circle,Stand in the middle and say"god goddesses guardians of the north ,east,south ,and west i thank you for attending my circle and i ask for your love and blessings as we depart,may there be peace and love between us now and forever ,blessed be!